Special Education Team




Sadie Johnson, Life Skills

sadie.johnson@austinisd.org 512-414-1780

Michele Cole, SCORES

michele.cole@austinisd.org 512-414-1780

Denise Ciseros

denise.cisneros@austinisd.org  512-414-1780

Jami Kirkland, Life Skills

jami.kirkland@austinisd.org 512-414-1780

Samantha Collins

samantha.collins@austinisd.org 512-414-1780

Liz Gallea, SCORES

elizabeth.gallea@austinisd.org 512-414-1780

Pamela Elliott

pamela.elliott@austinisd.org 512-414-1780

Ghada Ibrahim

ghada.ibrahim@austinisd.org 512-414-1780

Yumiko Sakamoto

yumiko.sakamoto@austinisd.org 512-414-1780
Teacher Assistants

Gena Blackstone

Lorie Brito

Kaleigh Pierce

Erica Garza

Mary Kimball

Ashley Lombrana

Lanesha Wood

Emily Sharin
Lucia Ramirez


AISD RAVE Form-Recognizing All Employees

We welcome the opportunity to hear the stories that make AISD feel like home! Please help us recognize our dedicated staff members by submitting a RAVE.